Well Hello! Poo!

Well Hello! Poo!
Well Hello! Poo!

Thursday 10 June 2010

Killer Thrillers

There is one thing that i can't get enough of in the land of cinema. And thats Korean and Hong Kong thriller/ gangster films. They can do no wrong. I want to write about my favourites because it'll keep me up with the ones that i have seen : )

My absolute favourite is A BITTERSWEET LIFE! (2005)

I absolutely adore it. Its amazingly acted, beautifully shot and is so powerful. And the soundtrack is so good! Plus I fancy Lee Byung Hun (Watch anything he has ever been in you will not be dissapointed - basically all dramas though ^_^) He really is a great actor. All you have to watch is the opening sequence which is awesome. Seconds after the man counts to three I knew I was in for a treat. (You''ll see ^_^) Here is a music video someone did for the film which i really love. EDIT: Ok, might have some spoilers but it dosn't explain much. Go watch the trailer on youtube ^_^ You can actually get the film there too!

It's all about man called Sun-Woo (lee byung hun) who is the loyal right hand man to an aging ganster. The aging gangster has a young girlfriend who he suspects is cheating on him (and she totally is). Unfortnately for her, the ganster has told Sun-Woo to kill her if she ever is. However Sun-Woo has a slight crush on the girlfriend and spares her and her boyfriend. The gangster find out and punishes Sun-Woo by bury-ing (ahhh spelling!!!!) him alive. He gets out alive and cue a massive fight scene where he basically kills all the henchmen. He then goes to get revenge on the aging ganster.

I really love the character of Sun-Woo. You can tell that he's a really lonely man and i feel really sorry for him. He has noone and you can tell that he's really touched by the girlfriend. I know he's all gansterry but he has a good heart. A lot of reviews all him shallow which is also true i guess. I mean his can kill people emotionally and without question which is never a good thing.

Its directed by Kim Ji-Woon who I really like. He also did 'A Tale of Two sisters', 'The good the bad the weird' and a segment of 'Three Extreames 2'.