Well Hello! Poo!

Well Hello! Poo!
Well Hello! Poo!

Sunday 18 July 2010


I went to go and see Inception last night with Rose and it was AMAZING!!!!!!! Nolan *IS* a good director (and he gave is memento I suppose) dispite really really really disliking him, very . very . much.

Anyway it was really well acted and nearly everyone of the main characters in the film i have been obsessed with in some point of my life. All the actors I genuinely respect and If they have had Mark Strong and Michael Shannon in then it would have been everyone i have ever loved as a actor. Plus i don't hate Leo DiCaprio now. Well...

I have a really short attention span but the TWO AND A HALF FRICKING HOURS didn't bother me that much. I got really wrapped up in the story, visuals, acting that you get really engulfed in the world.

It was just a world of everything I love. Really awsome people, sharp suits, action, self-destructive lovers, abandoned cities and the weirdness of dreams. (for example I dreamed that I climbed up a tree stump in a field then I climbed up through a hole where a toilet used to be in a second story house. And taught Ohno Satoshi the world ' retard' which surprised me a i *really* hate that word. I told him off though. Won't mess with me again i can tell you)

Stangely i got the plot until the last 20 mins or so where it threw me a little. I thought someone had changed their motives but turns out that they didnt, so that should have been more apparent. But the dream stuff is fine as long as you think of it as layers. So as they are then, as they go through multiple layers of dreams.

Anyway to sum up I want to reccomend a film to watch from everyone. But i think i saw these films with everyone anyway so... ^_^

Leo Dicaprio - Shutter Island for being awsome

Tom Hardy - ROCKNROLLA!!!!!!!! I adore this film. I lost count of the times that i watched it at uni with everyone!

Ellen Page - Hard Candy - My first ever 18 I saw that the cinema

Gorden Joseph Levitt - Brick and 500 Days of Summer

Cillian Murphy - Sunshine, 28 DAYS LATER!!!!!!! The first half of Red Eye

Ken Watanabe - only every seen the darren Shan Film and Letters of Iwo Jima with him.

Dileep Rao - only every seen Drag me to hell with him so that. And it really is such a great film.

Lukas Haas - That one with harrison ford (ask my mum) and One i saw called 'Whld she was out' which was not amazing but i really loved it. Kinda Grindhous-y about this woman trying to get away from him and his gang of thugs of xmas day. I want that film actually. He's in one called 'The Girl with the Red Riding Hood' released next year which looks really goods (sorry just wiki-ed it)

please santa, I want this poster more than anything. amen.

Friday 9 July 2010

The Films Of Arashi

I have time on my hands and so i'm going to delve into the title of this blog, its the name of a film with all the Members of Arashi (who are a japanese J pop band but have to many fingers in many pies. They collectily act in plays, dramas, films, have three weekly variety shows, present the news, advertise many many products, and seem to bring out a new single every week, and one of them is a really good artist) I first heard of them through Szujane (Thanks Szujane!!)

' Pikanchi Life is Hard Dakedo (but) happy' (2002) follows 5 friends who live in an apartment complex in Tokyo and the events that happen to them. There's no strong narritive but just little stories and events that happen to them. It's a pretty funny film and it has a sequel too called 'Pikanchi Life Is Hard Dakedo (therefore) Happy' (2004) but I haven't seen it yet. (Still trying to find a good place to download it).

I base a good film on weather (spelling) i would show it to my parents where i can really arrogently say that i have never shown them a bad film. The next two fall in this category. They only have one more film together called, 'Yellow Tears' (2007) which I really really reccomend. Its a genuinely great film and i really want to own it on DVD.

Its set in the 60's post war Japan where it follows 4 of the members (the 5th has a minor part). It covers a summer where these friends stay together. Eisuke Muraoka wants to be a manga artist (Kazunari Ninomiya), Ryūsan Mukai wants to be a writer (Sho Sakurai), Shōichi Inoue wants to be a musician (Aiba Masaki) and Kei Shimokawa wants to be an artist (Ohno Satoshi). They struggle for money and try to get by while trying to make in in their chosen field. The acting is really good and the director is too. Again its a film without a strong plot with lots of little events but i really totally reccomend it. I'm not a very good reviewer but i hope that you do watch it (Its like i'm trying to tell you somehitng....)

Another film is called 'Ao no Honoo' (The blue flame)

This stars just Kazunari Ninomiya so isn't really An Araishi film but its so good and needs to be seen. It is a pretty dark film and a quieter film like Yellow tears . I'm lazy so Wiki saves me:

'Shūichi Kushimori is a 17-year-old high school student who lives happily with his mother and stepsister.
One day, without warning, his estranged stepfather returns home from a long absence. He quickly falls into a circle of drinking and starts abusing his ex-wife and daughter.
When he begins making what appear to be sexual advances towards Shūichi’s stepsister, Shūichi feels compelled to take matters into his own hands.
Based on Yūsuke Kishi's novel of the same name.'

I don't want to spoil it as if you can muster up the energy to find it (it does exist online but failing that ebay) you will not be dissapointed. Ninomiya is really good actor and was one of the main characters in 'Letters from Iwo Jima' by good old Clint Eastwood. He's also in the film of Gantz film (its a manga) which looks really good.

I couldn't find a trailer that i liked so again a fan video will have to do : ) Its has spoilers actally hopefully it will spur you seeing the film...

And Another : )

FYI, the music for the last video is by a Korean band Called Epik High and is well worth checking out. I like this one by them called 'FAN'.

You can tell how my brain works with this post.... ^_^

Detroit metal city

I decided that I would have to watch more Japanese films because to be honest I haven't actually seen that many! I watched 'Detroit Metal City' for the basis that I liked the main actor in the film, Kenichi Matsuyama and wanted to see more of that he's done. Anyway I watched this as I was in the mood for a more lighter film, I mean, I have to start watching them sometime. : )

Its all about this guy called Souichi Negishi who wants to be the next big indie pop star who likes to sing cute songs.

exhibit A

However he never reached this goal and got a job for another type of band where he goes by the name of Johannes Krauser II

exhibit B

Apparently his talent lies in being the lead in a death metal band. Its quite a sweet film as he tries to hide his secret identity from the girl he likes who is a music jounalist. His band's fans are quite fun to watch as they are quite obsessive. I also love the band's manager who is mental and I loves it. Japanese comedy is a bit different from UK comedy as it is very over the top in terms of acting so sometimes I wanted to knock Souichi Negishi around a bit so he wouldn't faf around so much but then again i'm not one to talk......

My favourite scene was the final one as the band have a ..band off? against Gene Simmons. Seroiusly.

It was awesome.