Well Hello! Poo!

Well Hello! Poo!
Well Hello! Poo!

Friday 9 July 2010

Detroit metal city

I decided that I would have to watch more Japanese films because to be honest I haven't actually seen that many! I watched 'Detroit Metal City' for the basis that I liked the main actor in the film, Kenichi Matsuyama and wanted to see more of that he's done. Anyway I watched this as I was in the mood for a more lighter film, I mean, I have to start watching them sometime. : )

Its all about this guy called Souichi Negishi who wants to be the next big indie pop star who likes to sing cute songs.

exhibit A

However he never reached this goal and got a job for another type of band where he goes by the name of Johannes Krauser II

exhibit B

Apparently his talent lies in being the lead in a death metal band. Its quite a sweet film as he tries to hide his secret identity from the girl he likes who is a music jounalist. His band's fans are quite fun to watch as they are quite obsessive. I also love the band's manager who is mental and I loves it. Japanese comedy is a bit different from UK comedy as it is very over the top in terms of acting so sometimes I wanted to knock Souichi Negishi around a bit so he wouldn't faf around so much but then again i'm not one to talk......

My favourite scene was the final one as the band have a ..band off? against Gene Simmons. Seroiusly.

It was awesome.

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