Well Hello! Poo!

Well Hello! Poo!
Well Hello! Poo!

Monday 20 September 2010

Tokyo Game Show 2010!

Yesterday I went to the Tokyo Game show with a few of my friends here. It was a really huge event and really fun to go to. Also it was only 1000 yen (about £8) so extreamly cheap. There are a few new games that are coming out which i got the oppotunty to see. I only planed on one game which was Marval Vs Capcom (which is awsommeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!) and will completely and totally buy it when it come out. Here are some pictures after the break and of the things i am excited for!!

Dead rising 2!!! REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to play this but there was a zombie outside which freaked me out a little.

Ummmm. rabbit!
Vs Battles in the food court. The crowd was really into it.

FALLOUT NEW VEGAS!!!! Really excited for this game as i love Fallout 3 so much!

Playstation. They have the playstation movie which is bascially wii. effort. as much as i love sony.

Konami section <3 style="text-align: center;">

Sunday 19 September 2010

My Apartment

Here is a little video of my apartment. I have actually changed it around a little now and i filmed it a few weeks ago. But its the same place so here we are!


Tuesday 7 September 2010



Ive had my first real week of teaching and some of it has gone horribly wrong and some of it has gone pretty good : ) The first time i taught was seika which is five 15min lessons where you sort of have to preform out in front of the kids and it went so wrong!!!!! luckily i only have to do this twice a week unless i cover someone. (Which is what i have to do next week - boo). But i had seika agin at another school on monday and i thought it went quite well. This was only 4 classes and the same lesson as the other day i have two lessons to do for the two age groups i teach. anyway i got really into it in the end and was doing massive theatre bows as i left the room going `thank you - youve been a great audience!`. they dont know what i`m, saying anyway ^-^!

At the weekend i went to a place called Kamakura which has loads of shrines and things. I really enjoyed it and will upload pictures soon hopefully! Its a really pretty place to go and there was a wedding happening there also. The bride had this amazing dress. It was a Shinto wedding so google it and then you can see that it looks like. : )

Today it is raining 雨です。(its raining - ame desu) . I sounds like ive now just run out of things to say but this is diffrent - its a typhoon! : D How scary ! 怖い! (scary -kowai!!!!) I didnt even know what a typhoon really was untill my friend told me - i was thinking cows flying past my window. but nope, its just rain . hummmm
