Well Hello! Poo!

Well Hello! Poo!
Well Hello! Poo!

Tuesday 7 September 2010



Ive had my first real week of teaching and some of it has gone horribly wrong and some of it has gone pretty good : ) The first time i taught was seika which is five 15min lessons where you sort of have to preform out in front of the kids and it went so wrong!!!!! luckily i only have to do this twice a week unless i cover someone. (Which is what i have to do next week - boo). But i had seika agin at another school on monday and i thought it went quite well. This was only 4 classes and the same lesson as the other day i have two lessons to do for the two age groups i teach. anyway i got really into it in the end and was doing massive theatre bows as i left the room going `thank you - youve been a great audience!`. they dont know what i`m, saying anyway ^-^!

At the weekend i went to a place called Kamakura which has loads of shrines and things. I really enjoyed it and will upload pictures soon hopefully! Its a really pretty place to go and there was a wedding happening there also. The bride had this amazing dress. It was a Shinto wedding so google it and then you can see that it looks like. : )

Today it is raining 雨です。(its raining - ame desu) . I sounds like ive now just run out of things to say but this is diffrent - its a typhoon! : D How scary ! 怖い! (scary -kowai!!!!) I didnt even know what a typhoon really was untill my friend told me - i was thinking cows flying past my window. but nope, its just rain . hummmm


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