Well Hello! Poo!

Well Hello! Poo!
Well Hello! Poo!

Sunday 29 August 2010

Its been a good week or so : ) I wish that i would have more time to prepare for teaching as i'm in semi panic mode and i start teaching on thursday propperly and its a very very busy day. You have normal lessions which i'm fine about but you have 'seika' classes sometimes in the morning where youre basically singing and dancing infront of the kids -_-;;; . . . It'll be fine but there is so much stuff you have to remember and i dont really know much for it yet. but i guess thats half the challenge!I went out on thursday and friday night which i really liked. Got the last train home but some people i was out with missed it and had to comeback at five in themorning as trains stop here at about 11 - 12pm in the evening. So its either you either have to call it a night early or get home at 5 in the morning. There are no other ways! But there is a bar i really liked on friday and i think i'll go there a lot. Its in an area which is sort of a camden area - quite young and its 1000 yen (about £8) for all you can drink for two hours i think. I also went to a mock english pub last night which was really weird. ('how do you ask for vodka and coke *cries*)

I've been into kindergarten on thursday and friday and i had a really great time. It was only playing with the kids who are so sweet. A few
criers but oh well ^_^ Its been good to meet the kids who i'm teaching and they seem to not be too scared of me ^^;;;;; One little boy came back into the classroom after the lesson and gave me a little disney cracker thing which i was really touched about.

I'm easy to please. Give me food basically.

Oh! and i want to buy so many clothes!!!! I propperly went around some shops today and there is SO MUCH STUFF I WANT. NO! I NEED!!!!! Its quite floaty and girly and lacks the edge that british clothes has (IMO) but its so nice. Come the colder months i'll look like some forest girl as thats what it all looks like (that ive seen) Sorta forest sweedish forest woodcutter child (sorta). The style is called 'Mori girl' (forest girl) and i think its really popular here/

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