Well Hello! Poo!

Well Hello! Poo!
Well Hello! Poo!

Sunday 31 October 2010

Its a sad a beautiful world.

Sometimes i feel life Roberto Benigni from down by law.

Thursday 28 October 2010

I saw the Devil

I just had a mini film burst and i actually can't sleep as i want to see this film so bad! And yes i really am this sad! It's Ji-woon Kim's new movie and it looks so amazing! Its also got Lee Byung-hun in. Anyone who knows how much i adore ' a Bittersweet life' (fun fact kids - its one of my three favourite movies of all time) knows the magi when these two get togehter. Its supposed to be amazing and had a premire in toronto film festival last week i think. GAH!!!!!!! SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday 25 October 2010

hello hello

I thought id blog a little as i am actually off sick today - my voice is going and it was thought best all around to give it a rest so that i can shout at children later on. kidding! well sort of...
Ive been doing lesson plans and tiding. I wanted to do all my lesson plans but i think im going to break it down for the week. ill plan later on also but i want everything done by the end of the week for Novembers lessons.

Mum has been here for the past week and we have done lots. I need to get a hardrive so i will upload photos later i promice. we had three main exploring days.

Day one: It rained this day but we went to Odawara Castle in well Odawara. I had been really wanting to go there and its only about 30 - 40 mins from me so i will be returning very soon. We walked about the grounds and then went inside where there was a museum with all diffrent armour and items from when the castle was in use. I really liked it there. We then went to Hakone to an open art museum there. It is high in the mountains so it was really pretty.

Day two: We went into Tokyo and stayed the friday night there. We first went to Meji Shrine in yoyogi park. Then onto Harajuku (sp) to takahashi street which is well known for the shops down there. I am propperly in love with that place. Afterwards we went to Kiddyland which is a huge toy shop. In the eveing we went to shibyua crossing then to shinjuku to wander around there.

Day three: We first went to Akihabra breifly before going to Nogi Shrine. General Nogi was a man who allong with his wife killed themselfs when the emperor died (I think). We then went to Ropopongi (sp) Hills to the Mori Art Gallery. There was an exhibition about japanese artist exploring nature and i fell in love with it. They were all installations and my favourite was a room that was sort of like a rabbit warren but made out of paper. There were holes in the paper and you stuck your head out and there were paper trees and mist abouve - it was amaizing!!! Also at the moment there is the Tokyo Film Festival so we saw some of that. They were premiring 'The Social Network' so we saw (well on a video screen ) some of the actors.

On the sunday i had to work. We had a Halloween Even at a park called Komodo no kuni (childrens country) which is such an amazing park! Lucky things. theres a farm and a zillion playgrounds!!!!! The kis came around the park and there were diffrent games set up. I was on the ball toss which was a good workout for my legs as i had to scramble around picking up the balls. In the evening me and mum went to a steakhouse in Ebina which had proper proper handburgers OMG. missed it. I will feeling a bit ill the past few days so it was nice to have some proper meat. Mum actually kindly bought me loads of meat which is now in little plasic bags in my freezer. Nommy but it looks like i have murdered and cut up my husband.

not so nommy

Today i have mostly been listening to ...EVERYTHING!!!! Ive discoved so much i didnt know i had. I really like this song. Ramble on by Led Zeplin (sp)

I also brought Arashi's 'Truth' single. It came out quite a while ago but its one of my favourite songs. Here is a piano version of which is amazing!

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Sports Day

On saturday i went to the sports day of one of the KG's i go to. I actually really like this school so i was happy to go. We (me and my partner teacher Satsuki) went only for the morning and left as everyone was being given bento boxes for lunch. There didnt actually seen to be that many races. Every child takes place and their names are announced just vefore they race. For the first one anyway. And each race takes about 10 minutes. There were also a lot of shows that the kids did which was really cute. It was really nice to see your kids race some kids had a lot of, 'is that her..? it looks like her....?' on their faces. I sat with the other staff guests like guests of the school and the piano teacher ect which was nice. Felt quite special ^_^

Afterwards I went into Harajuku with Satsuki. I haven't been to that many places in central Tokyo as i havent had the time and when i do i always end up sleeping or something. But i really enjoyed it. Its nothing really but shops but we went down the famous street there (but i have to admit i didnt know what it was) called Takeshita - dori. It's a road where all these shops are there and they have lots of crepe shops which i thik the area is famous for. Anyway the primary reason i went there was that she wanted to take me (i may have nudged) to the Johhny's Offical shop! I think only one or two people will know what that is. But its the shop for music agency which speialise in 'Idols' and pretty much run the entertainment industry in Japan. Arashi is part of that Agency ^_^ Its not that big and you can order photos of the people you like. I always found it really weird and did up until i stepped into the shop. Then it was 'Oh i like that one' then 'that was a really good photo shoot' and ' look at the lighting' then ' mabye just one more of Ohno' ect ect ect : D Good funs. And yes, i will be going back. But its quite hard to find but i should be okay for next time. ll i need to know is Exit 3!!!!

We then went to a famous toy shop called 'Kiddyland'. (megalolz) I've heard so much about it from various places and friends and wanted to go. Its being done up at the moment so it has been moved until 2012 i think! I got a really cute phone charm (nealy got a totoro one but it wa a bit more expencvive!) of a hamster eating some sweet potatoes. yep and its awsome. I really want to go back and i am going to save up for a giant totoro! about £30 abouts i think. Bit less mabye.

Anway mum is here at the moment. So we are going to explore Tokyo on the Friday and Saturaday and i have friday and thursday off ^_^ yaaaaaaayyyyyy. Looking forward to a day off - as Apart from sat afternoon i have not had a day off in over a week. Its nice to catch up on things and actually have a look around. There are a bunch of things that i want to see. I want to go to Akasuka (sp) as a book I am reading at the moment is set there. : )

right off to bed i think


Wednesday 13 October 2010

Shut up and show me your jazz hands!

Today i had a productive day.

On wednesdays i either cover someone or observe another teacher for the day. But today i had the whole day in the office from 10 to 5. It was nice because i didn't really sit down untill 11 because i went to the 100 yen store for some paper to put in my kindergarten files . I then Managed to do lesson plans for at least 3 weeks - how awsome. Some im still not sure about including one tomorrow but i'll do free conservation as that is still okay. And maybe some snap. everyone loves snap.

We have a halloween event next sunday and i had to make boxes for on of the games for the kids. I then i went and searched for halloween wrapping paper in a few stores with only one japanese phrase which saves me a lot. "halloween no kami ga arimasu ka?" (i think thats right anyway!) even though i said it really wrong and spent ages just standing there behind the halloween stuff stalking a empyloee just going 'arimasu ka, arimasu ka......." like a crazy person. ANYWAY it means....Does halloween paper exist ? aka do you have any halloween paper : D A teacher kindly wrote out the the word for wrapping paper which i also pointed to mancily ^_^ Once of the ladies told me they had paper on the 5th floor and i unerstood! sorry but im happy ^^;;;;; When mum and dad asked me what i kept doing in my room before i left - it was learning the word for floor and it actually helped. im amazed : P And i jazzed it it by asking if they had any prange paper : D *giggles* sorry but its really nice to have something pay off.

Anyway it killed an hour and i left 15 mins early as there was nothing to do. mega yays.

Anyway i got home WAYYYYYYYYYY earlier than i do everday - 6pm! : O I've then spent about an hour and a half watching the My chemical Romance 'Art is a weapon" Video. Im so excited and the video comes out TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dude, im so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The albums is also actually suppesed to be really good according to some magazines so im looking forward to it being relesed - but not for ages BOO!!!!! It makes me wear colours again (i do wear a stupid amount of blue and grey but thats okay because its awsome)

SEE!!!! : D

Thursday 7 October 2010

Its friday and payday - woop! Im so excited! Im going to buy propper towels and food and ahhhh! the lish is endless. AND its a three day weekend which is amazing. Tomorrow im hopefully going to get a mobile phone (finally) so fingers crossed : D

Last weekend i walked into Ebina which is nearby and had a wander around. On fridays after work i usally hang out there for an hour so so before getting back home. Its sort of a little like an open air shopping centre.

And here is a picture of just outside Shinjiku (i think thats the right sp) station. I stopped there after the Tokyo Game show.