Well Hello! Poo!

Well Hello! Poo!
Well Hello! Poo!

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Shut up and show me your jazz hands!

Today i had a productive day.

On wednesdays i either cover someone or observe another teacher for the day. But today i had the whole day in the office from 10 to 5. It was nice because i didn't really sit down untill 11 because i went to the 100 yen store for some paper to put in my kindergarten files . I then Managed to do lesson plans for at least 3 weeks - how awsome. Some im still not sure about including one tomorrow but i'll do free conservation as that is still okay. And maybe some snap. everyone loves snap.

We have a halloween event next sunday and i had to make boxes for on of the games for the kids. I then i went and searched for halloween wrapping paper in a few stores with only one japanese phrase which saves me a lot. "halloween no kami ga arimasu ka?" (i think thats right anyway!) even though i said it really wrong and spent ages just standing there behind the halloween stuff stalking a empyloee just going 'arimasu ka, arimasu ka......." like a crazy person. ANYWAY it means....Does halloween paper exist ? aka do you have any halloween paper : D A teacher kindly wrote out the the word for wrapping paper which i also pointed to mancily ^_^ Once of the ladies told me they had paper on the 5th floor and i unerstood! sorry but im happy ^^;;;;; When mum and dad asked me what i kept doing in my room before i left - it was learning the word for floor and it actually helped. im amazed : P And i jazzed it it by asking if they had any prange paper : D *giggles* sorry but its really nice to have something pay off.

Anyway it killed an hour and i left 15 mins early as there was nothing to do. mega yays.

Anyway i got home WAYYYYYYYYYY earlier than i do everday - 6pm! : O I've then spent about an hour and a half watching the My chemical Romance 'Art is a weapon" Video. Im so excited and the video comes out TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dude, im so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The albums is also actually suppesed to be really good according to some magazines so im looking forward to it being relesed - but not for ages BOO!!!!! It makes me wear colours again (i do wear a stupid amount of blue and grey but thats okay because its awsome)

SEE!!!! : D

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