Well Hello! Poo!

Well Hello! Poo!
Well Hello! Poo!

Monday 7 February 2011

My Chemical Romance at Yokohama Arena!!

Last night I went to see My Chem!

I was so excited but its so weird to go and see a gig in Japan. They themselves were really good and they played quite a mix of songs from the albums but felt it was kind of short. To show what I mean heres an quite from Ray's Blog on the MCR website!

'For those of you who have never been to a show in Japan, the crowd reacts in a way completely unique to Japan. Between songs, they are whisper quiet, respectfully waiting for the next song to start. Once the music kicks, they begin to dance, chant, mosh and sing along at ear piercing levels. When the song ends, polite applause, and then silence. It makes for a special experience, that somehow feels more personal than the size of the show would indicate.:


I don't know if it would be more personal but i just spent the entire time wondering why people went so quite all of a sudden. Durning songs fine but them the quite-ness. I found it a bit weird.

Anyway i really loved seeing them again (3rd time : D ) They played house of wolves and a great version of Ghost of you <3

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