Well Hello! Poo!

Well Hello! Poo!
Well Hello! Poo!

Sunday 13 February 2011

Speech Contest

Today was the speech contest which has been hanging over everyones heads for a few months now. That sounds negative but its not i have been really looking forward to it. I didn't really do much for the day, just help the kids get to their seats for the morning lower grade kids and looked pretty. But It was nice to see all my kids there and to see them do what they have worked so very hard for. Everyone had worked really hard.

I'd really proud of all my kids and i'm happy to say that quite a few of them won awards. ^o^/ 5 i think. : D I'm so happy for them!!! And what i liked is that they (well more in the afternoon) really were happy to see me and had them running up to me ^_^ It made me feel like a proper teacher as i have helped them with the speeches. A happy feeling in my heart ^_^ Especially the older kids. One of my friends even came to get me from the main hall when i was the the theatre because two of the little girls i teach kept shouting in the foyer for me ^_^ HOLLY-SENSEI!! HOLLY-SENSEI!! hehe.

And one girl's parents were really appreachiteive. (sp) and gave me a thank you gift. I was so happy! I'm also very lucky as she won one of the awards and i'm really proud of her as the is always happy and smiling!! The mum i've met a few times before but never the dad but both her parents were really lovely and were speaking english to me : )

: D

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