Well Hello! Poo!

Well Hello! Poo!
Well Hello! Poo!

Monday 16 August 2010


Ps. I dont know what this post looks funny - i dont know how to do any of this!!!!

and continue...

I went to go and see 'The A Team' today which I actually genuinely loved. Its directed by Joe Carahan who directed 'Smokin Aces' which is one of the films that I have had my little obsessions about, but didn't know he directed it until I saw his name in the credits. At least 'The A Team' had a plot (well sort of...) but it actually follows the same reasons why I like both the films.

1) Tons of actions
2)Made me laugh
3)Brightly coloured
5) Good Looking guys

I want to go and watch it again already! : D

: D

Also Arashi had a new album out a few weeks ago and it's really good. I havent really heard any of their others but its pretty good. But i'm gonna say that anyway...

This is a song i really like called 'Mada Ue o' which means....um.... 'not yet above' or something like that ...

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