Well Hello! Poo!

Well Hello! Poo!
Well Hello! Poo!

Monday 23 August 2010

And so it begins...

Hello! I guess this 'blog' is going to properly start here. I'll try to limit ramblings and i;ll probberly only post when i have nothing to do...like now ^_^

Anyway the flight was okay but i was very happy to land. The hotel i'm staying in until i move into my apartment is nice and really big! It has a train station under it and a shopping centre. Its really hot and humid so i think i'm going to die in my work clothes!

Todays my second full day and i might go with the other teachers to the beach which i'm looking forwad to. Its a pretty lazy morning and i had a post breakfast nap to boot ^_^ The cleaner woke me up so i decided to go and have a little look around. I looked in the shopping centre in the hotel but i went yesterday so i was just wandering around Muji for ages looking at the scetch books. But i wandered a bit further to another shopping centre that i can see from my hotel room called Istan (sp) which is mainly clothes and an art gallery at the top which i had a look at. I waned to go and look at the make up but i can't handle the people who work there i the UK so didnt like my chances when i don't know what they are saying ^^'''' One day i'll learn!

Tomorrow is a trainng day then ive got a few days observing in the Kindergartens which i'm looking forward to. yeah.

And thats it. I'm gonna go sleep again and watch some tv. All there is on tv that ive seen is people eating pretty looking food. I'm okay with that though.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea Hols! I'm looking forward to keeping up with your going ons. Hope you had fun with the little uns today! Hollie x
