Well Hello! Poo!

Well Hello! Poo!
Well Hello! Poo!

Saturday 8 January 2011

nabe nomnom

Tonight i went with a few others so a nabe (nabemono) restaurant. We were actually going to another type of restaurant but it was full. Anyway we ended up going there and it was very very good. (And i'm still full - mainly as i only ate a few hours ago)

nabemono ie nabe (cooking ) + mono (things)

You can probbery figure what you have to do. You have a big pot full of water or stock or whatever and you fill it with veg and thin slices of pork of beef and it cooks in the water. You have some small bowls which you put soy sauce or sesemie (sp) sauce in - thats what i had anyway - to dip the stuff in . oh and rice. I had a similar thing when i was in Malaysia called Steamboat. nom.

It was quite fun to do and although the place we went to was a bit pricy (But you defo get what you pay for) i cant wait to eat nabe again : D Seems easy to do it at home but i dont have a gas cooker. Just on the stove mabye?

Afterwards we went to a bar around the corner which was really nice. It was good to find somewhere you can just go and have a drink with friends and seeing as it was about 9 on a saturday night not overly busy. Again , i will be returning ^_^

oyasumi nasai (goodnight) i'm going to have nabe dreams (nabe no yume ? ) hehe


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