Well Hello! Poo!

Well Hello! Poo!
Well Hello! Poo!

Friday 26 November 2010

Day off

oh yeah...

On wednesday i had my in leiu of the halloween event day so i had the whole day off! And to my own!!! I went with a friend into Shinkuku and got off at Yoyogi station. Granted from here the there of that day was, ' If i keep walking i'll find somewhere i know'. I went this really weird back was into the park (as in i didnt know if i was supposed to be there!) It was really nice thouhg and lots f=of green spaces which i didnt actually know existed in Yoyogi park as i have only been around meiji shrine. I found meiji shrine though and sat there for a little while. I then went to harajuku and takahashi street (or it sounds like takahashi street - which is the famous street here). I wanted to go look at a store near there but it had long Q's so didnt go in. I also went to Forever 21 but it got as good a store as the one in shinjuku i think. But i manades to go and buy some normal jumpers and god forbid t -shirts which are non existant in japan trust me!
The long wander back to the train station was nice. I could have done it byt he tube but i wanted a walk and would rather walk for 40 minutes then spen 8 hours not knowing were i am!

Also on a side note - how awsome in MCR's new album! love love love.

ALSO the walking dead only has two more episodes - sad sad sad.


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