Well Hello! Poo!

Well Hello! Poo!
Well Hello! Poo!

Friday 26 November 2010

Last weekend!

Im posting for last weekend and again its the cliff notes.


I went with a friend to Shinjuku Gardens. Its really pretty here as the leaves have turned that nice golden red colour of autum and i could stand all day taking photos of them. Again I will put them up eventually! I then went to Tokyo dome as they had an Arashi consert there. It was mad and there were so many people! It was quite good fun though and nice to be in an 'event' place if that makes sence? (can't change the picture so just look at from the side okay?) I qued for goods and got a few things such as phone strap, t -shirt, book, bag and uh.. towel. ^_^. But just as were were leaving (about 6 ) there was a huge bang and screaming which was the start of the gig. We heard one song but had to go just after as we kept being moving on and my friend wanted to go to Akihabra. But i'm just happy as i actually got to hear them ^^! how awsome.
Akihabra was quite fun and just looking around the shops. Anime figures and randoms like that. I'm not really interested anymore but it was quite fun as some of the fugures are really nicely made. And i recongnised a few things 'ah thats...' ect. I also saw the Gundam cafe which was a series i used to watch. One of the versions anyway so that will always be interested in of sorts. I can propperly say that the only series that i still really love is Comboy bebop just because its just an amazing series drawn or not.


Me and two friends this time went to a park near Tokyo dome. Again to have a look around and take photos. It was really nice. We then went back to the main area of Tokyo Dome and had a late luch / early dinner at a chinese restaurant . mmmmmmmmmm miss that. THEN i went to Disneyland. I kid you not. It was very near to where we are. As you all probberly know i and my family are not a disneyland going to type of family (nothing wrong with it mind) but its just never been what i have been interested in. At the beginning all i could think was ' god i can't believe i'm at disneyland' but i really enjoyed myself. : ) T'was good fun. Had a look around, saw a lights parade and fireworks next to the castle. PLUS some areas were completely empty so we had all of chip and dale's treehouse to ourselves : D I do want o go back and spend a whole day there propperly as it was a lot more fun than i'd like to admit.


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